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Bradford College

HN Flex

Unlock your IT staff potential with short courses 

Empower your workforce for the digital age

This range of flexibly delivered IT modules are designed to upskill and reskill your IT and computing staff, ensuring they remain competitive and adaptable.  

Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, investing in your team’s growth pays off in productivity, innovation, and employee satisfaction. 

The modules are designed for long term skills stacking for your staff. 

Why upskilling matters?

1. Stay relevant
Technology evolves rapidly, rendering old skills obsolete. Upskilling equips your team with the latest tools, languages, and frameworks, keeping them relevant and future-proof. 

2. Boost employee satisfaction
Investing in your employees’ growth shows that you value their development. Happy employees are more engaged, productive, and likely to stay with your organization. 

3. Cost-effective talent development
Recruiting new talent is expensive. Upskilling existing employees is a cost-effective alternative. 

Our short courses

These short courses are designed to be a standalone short course, offering 15 credit points towards any related qualifications and delivered as a longer study programme, at your pace.

Higher National Level 4 Flex – Professional Practice

Digital Higher Education

Higher National Level 4 Flex – Professional Practice

Study LevelLevel 4
Start DateSeptember 2024
Higher National Level 4 Flex – Cyber Security

Digital Higher Education

Higher National Level 4 Flex – Cyber Security

Study LevelLevel 4
Start DateSeptember 2024
Higher National Level 4 Flex – Data Analytics

Digital Higher Education

Higher National Level 4 Flex – Data Analytics

Study LevelLevel 4
Start DateSeptember 2024
Higher National Level 4 Flex – Software Development Life Cycles

Digital Higher Education

Higher National Level 4 Flex – Software Development Life Cycles

Study LevelLevel 4
Start DateSeptember 2024
Higher National Level 4 Flex – Security

Digital Higher Education

Higher National Level 4 Flex – Security

Study LevelLevel 4
Start DateSeptember 2024
Higher National Level 4 Flex – Networking

Digital Higher Education

Higher National Level 4 Flex – Networking

Study LevelLevel 4
Start DateSeptember 2024
Higher National Level 4 Flex – Computer Programming

Digital Higher Education

Higher National Level 4 Flex – Computer Programming

Study LevelLevel 4
Start DateSeptember 2024


These modules are designed and delivered as a Pearson HN Flex programme and are delivered at Levels 4 and 5. The 15 credits that you gain from the module all add up towards a Higher National Qualification.