Careers Advice and Guidance
Our Careers Advisers can help you gain up to date information, advice and guidance on a range of career paths. We will guide you in planning your next steps towards achieving your future career goals.
Careers and employability resources
Looking for work? Here are some websites where you can find various employment opportunities (full-time & part-time).
Apprenticeships are working and studying towards a nationally recognised qualification at the same time.
With apprenticeships, you will earn money while you gain relevant work experience and skills alongside experienced professionals in your chosen industry. You will get study time and qualifications that will boost your future career plans. To find out more about apprenticeships, see these websites:
If you successfully complete your Level 3 course, you could go into Higher Education (University). A university degree can provide you with more skills and experience for employment, it can lead to better paid jobs and boost your employment prospects, you can learn to live independently and meet lots of new friends while you study something that you really enjoy. For more information on Higher Education and university options, please see the below websites:
UCAS – UCAS | At the heart of connecting people to higher education
Student Finance Funding your future – Get ready to apply! (
About Higher Education Getting into university |
Need help making a CV? You can find sample CVs and information and tips here:
What is Volunteering?
Volunteering is about helping people vulnerable people, charities and business in your spare time. Volunteering is a great way to develop new skills and experience which can help you with futures careers opportunities. Volunteers don’t get paid but they do make a big difference to people in the local community.
National Careers Service: NCS | No We Can | National Citizen Service (
Volunteering in Keighley & District: Keighley & District Volunteer Centre (
Vinspired: vInspired – Leaders in youth volunteer opportunities
Students, parents and staff can find out more about labour market trends here: – Information on labour market trends.
As a parent/carer you may want to support your child with making careers plans that match their interests and skills. There are more choices for young people today than ever before, so as a parent/carer it can be confusing and difficult to know where to start. We have put together these resources to help you understand the options available to your children: – Independent careers and employability information and advice based in Calderdale & Kirklees. – A parents/carers guide to apprenticeships. – National Careers Service for information on a range of careers in various sectors. – Information on labour market trends. – UCAS options guide
Student Finance for Higher Education (University) – Funding your future – Get ready to apply! (
Parents Advice for Career Conversations – Talking Futures – advice and help for parents/carers supporting their children with career choices
To find out how you can support your child or young person with making decisions about their next steps, read our Progression Guide for Parents and Carers.
Information, advice and guidance on a range of careers is most industries to help you make decisions on learning, training and work. Click here.
A graduate careers website with information on different careers in different industries, work experience, postgraduate study and applying for university. Click here.
Real-life career videos, advice and information to inspire your career. Click here.
A free online library of careers related film, news and information. Click here.
Information, advice, and admissions services (applying for university) to inspire and facilitate educational progression. Click here.
Opportunities that exist outside of the traditional university route including apprenticeships, degree apprenticeships, gap years, traineeships and jobs. Click here.
Information on roles in healthcare with a number of real-life stories and videos. Click here.
Careers information and tools for 11 to 19 year olds. Click here.
Careers information and learning resources for schools and colleges. Click here.
An official source of information about higher education. Click here.
Careers inspiration, labour market information and support for all ages in Leeds City Region. Click here.
Register your profile, search vacancies and apply for an apprenticeship. Click here.
Everything you need to know about studying medicine. Click here.
Sign up quickly and easily to become NHS Volunteer Responders. Click here.
Find volunteering opportunities. Click here.
Find volunteering opportunities. Click here.
Click here to discover the latest apprenticeship opportunities.
Click here to find performer jobs, gigs and auditions.
If you are a staff member who has students needing careers information, advice and guidance, please email [email protected] with the student’s name, student number and brief reason for the referral and a member of the careers team will be in touch with yourself and the students to arrange a suitable time for a careers interview.
The careers team are all qualified careers guidance professionals who offer impartial careers information, advice & guidance.
We can support your students with a number of careers and employability issues including:
- Careers guidance to explore all options and pathways for the future
- Unsure what to do after this course
- Thinking of leaving the course or the college
- UCAS and university inquiries
- Apprenticeships
- T Levels
- CV writing
- Job searching & applications
- Interview techniques
Students are welcome to use the drop-in service at the My Future Hub (Ground Floor, DHB) Mon – Fri 9.00 – 16.00.
If you are looking for any careers and employability resources to support your curriculum teaching, please take a look at the following websites:
Here at Bradford College we are proud to be working with large number of local and national employers who provide our students with valuable work placements, insight days at their organisations, masterclasses on different industries, mock interviews and various employer engagement activities. If you are an employer looking to take on work placement students or you are interested in working with us to support our careers and work experience programme, please get in touch with us at [email protected]
If you are a school, college or local authority wanting more information on career pathways for students or you are wanting to see how you can become involved in our careers or work experience programme please email is at [email protected]