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Bradford College

Lent and Ramadan 2025: Learning, Understanding & Supporting

The month of March sees the holy times of both Lent and Ramadan in full swing.

These two religious festivals are of huge significance to Christians and Muslims across the world, respectively, including many students and staff at Bradford College.

As we continue to learn and support all members of our College community, as a truly inclusive college, we spoke with a selection of our dedicated workforce about what these significant periods mean to them.

Ansar Ahmed – Admissions Specialist

What does Ramadan mean to you?

AA: “It’s all about empathising with those less fortunate than myself and getting closer to my faith. It’s also all about community, with lots of people coming together for the same reason.”

What does a typical day look like for you during Ramadan?

AA: “I’m up around 4am trying to get my three children out of bed! We’ll share a meal together as a family, say our prayers, and then try stay up until it’s time for work or school. During Ramadan I actually prefer to be at work, rather than at home, as it’s important you continue with your normal day-to-day life and time tends to pass quicker. Once it’s home time, I get home and join my wife for various preparation ready for our evening meal.”

How does/can College and your colleagues support people during this significant period?

AA: “Bradford College is really genuine during this time and people want to learn. Although I wouldn’t expect people to refrain from eating in front of me, I find colleagues make a conscious effort to do so.”

Are there three words which come to mind when you think of ‘Ramadan’?

AA: “Peaceful, spiritual, and family.”

Andrew Ralph – Motor Vehicle Lecturer

What does Lent mean to you?

AR: “Lent is significant to me as it’s a time when I feel closer to God through fasting, praying, and depending on my faith in a deeper way. This time also reminds me that God understands my struggles. In Christianity, Jesus suffered hunger, tiredness, and temptation, serving as a reminder that God is not distant from our human imperfections.”

What does a typical day look like for you during Lent?

AR: “Throughout Lent, I personally observe fasting from early morning to evening time, spending time where I would usually eat to pray instead. As well as extra time of prayer, I also spend work break times attending services at local churches. Observance can vary from one Christian community to another, with no one prescribed way of keeping Lent, but restricting what we ingest and increasing times of prayer is generally practiced in some way.”

How does/can College and your colleagues support people during this significant period?

AR: “At the campus I’m based at on Bowling Back Lane, colleagues are highly supportive and open to discussing faith. We recently had a multi-faith prayer room installed, and I was asked to advise on items and prayer books that were needed to represent Christianity. We also have a Staff Christian Prayer Group every Wednesday, which all colleagues are welcome to be part of. Overall, being able to openly speak and live out my faith is the best form of support that any organisation can offer; I certainly feel I can do that at Bradford College.”

Are there three words which come to mind when you think of ‘Lent’?

AR: “Wilderness, preparation, and hope.”

Ismah Haroon Majid – HE Recruitment & Conversion Officer

What does Ramadan mean to you?

IHM: “Muslims from all backgrounds come together to celebrate Ramadan. It’s a time of giving and self-reflection, focusing on our community, family, and friends to better and improve ourselves.”

What does a typical day look like for you during Ramadan?

IHM: “My job tends to be very interactive, so it can be quite tiring during the month of Ramadan. I wake up anywhere between 3:30am and 4am for the morning meal (Suhur) with my husband. Once finished, we observe our first prayer of the day and try to get a little extra sleep before work. My work day starts around 8am and I try to fit in prayers around various visits and meetings, but don’t pressurise myself if too busy as I’m able to do so at home. Come the end of the day, I head home excited to prepare for our evening meal (Iftar), which might be at home or elsewhere with friends depending on the day.”

How does/can College and your colleagues support people during this significant period?

IHM: “I’ve been at Bradford College for a number of years and feel lucky to have the support I do within my team. Other colleagues have their own faiths and observe special times throughout the year, so we all work together to look out for each other. If there’s certain events we can cover for each other during these significant periods, we will. Bradford College is an inclusive organisation and respects all values and cultures, with staff across the College understanding the significance of Ramadan. All in all, there’s a lovely sense of community and a range of special events that take place throughout this time.”

Are there three words which come to mind when you think of ‘Ramadan’?

IHM: “Patience (Sabr), Gratitude (Shukr), and Peace (Sukoon).

Are you interested in studying or working at a college inclusive of all values and beliefs? Explore all the courses we offer or check out all of our current vacancies.

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