Learning is focused on the importance of developing skills for employment and is a mixture of classroom based and practical activities within the community. Students will take part in a range of enterprise and fundraising activities, including the skills café project and seasonal fairs. Students will develop active citizenship and work skills through participation in social action projects with local community groups and our employer partners such as the Canal and River Trust and Bradford City Community Foundation. Students will develop experience of work through employer visits and internal work placements within the college environment to get students ready for their next steps. Transition and progression are developed through a comprehensive transition tasters programme with Purple Patch Arts. Students may also experience vocational tasters within our wide ranging Entry 3 vocational programmes including hair and beauty, catering, childcare, construction, motor vehicle, horticulture, ICT and more (see our Entry level 3 vocational courses for more information). There are many fun opportunities for enrichment activities including a residential, theatre and bowling trips and outdoor adventure.
Qualification Gained: City and Guilds of London Institute Award in Employability Skills (Entry 3)
The course is based on a Programme of Study, which consists of Employability and Personal Development skills, English and maths, a tutorial programme, enrichment and experience of work. Learners will be supported to progress and may move onto
Pre-Internship Pathway, Entry 3 or level 1 vocational courses, supported volunteering or other community activities.
- English
- Maths
- Employability skills
- Cooking and budgeting skills
- Wellbeing and health
- Personal and social development
- Celebrating diversity
- Confidence in your community
- Active citizenship through social action projects
- Enterprise and employability skills
- Vocational tasters
- Enrichment
- Transition tasters with Purple Patch Arts
- Work experience
Students will build up a portfolio of evidence through written work, practical tasks and observations. Students will also work towards meeting personal targets which will be reviewed each term.
There will be opportunities for experience of work in our café and enterprise projects and out in the community with our local partners.
The programme can enable progression into further learning, independent living or supported employment/volunteering through a diverse range of practical skills and learning opportunities. Progression opportunities include supported internships with Project Search.