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Bradford College

FdA Textiles Practice

  Qualification Gained: Bolton Institute FdA in Textiles Practice - Bradford College

  Study LevelLevel 5     Course TypeHigher Education   Duration4 Academic Years   Start DateSeptember 2025   Study ModePart-time   LocationLister Building  


The Foundation Degree in Textiles Practice has been specifically developed for those wishing to develop professional practice in textile art, contemporary craft and designer-made products. The course will develop your technical skills in mixed media, stitch and constructed textiles, as well as focussing on researching ideas and developing original designs. Links between historical and contemporary practices in textiles will be made through guided research and individual practice.

The unique part-time course format has been designed for those from non-traditional learning routes and learners who need to organise study flexibly around other commitments.

“Over exceeded expectations of what we would learn, achieve and produce by the end of the course…loved the experimentation with techniques”
Year 1 Sketchbooks for Textiles module student

“More than met all expectations. Found that it has really helped develop my confidence and skills”
Year 1 Sketchbooks for Textiles module student

“Learning and teaching is exceptional with good practice as standard”
Sharon Watts, External Examiner report 2021

The on-site Bradford College Textile Archive is widely used for teaching and independent student research. Students also have access to industry-led talks and activities via our industry links with the Bradford Textile Society, and local art networks.  Students will be able to use a dedicated textile print room, handweaving looms, printmaking facilities, sewing machines, digital suites and a yarn store. 

Key Info

You will develop both practical skills as well as the theory and knowledge to put your techniques into place.

During teaching blocks at college, teaching takes the form of group critiques with peers, seminars, group presentations, lectures, workshop inductions, practical demonstrations and hands-on practical activity. The curriculum is enriched by external study visits, trips and visiting speakers.

Students will benefit from visiting speakers who are also practising artists who will talk about their work, set project briefs and deliver valuable tutorials. They will also set live briefs to give you a chance to work on exciting creative projects and bring them to life.  Students will be provided with regular online tutorial support and be encouraged to experiment with colours and materials.

The course has been designed and written in a way that takes into account all previous artistic experience and mixed experience and skills and all our tutors are current exhibiting textile artists.

The programme is delivered part-time over four years. With level 4 modules studied in years 1 and 2, and level 5 modules completed in years 3 and 4.

Level 4:

  • Sketchbooks for Textiles (20 credits)
  • Mark and Surface (20 credits)
  • Colour and Material (20 credits)
  • Practice in Context 1 (20 credits)
  • Introduction to Creative Research (20 credits)
  • Textile Project 1 (20 credits)

Level 5:

  • Creative Research 2 (20 credits)
  • Constructed Textiles (20 credits)
  • Mixed Media Textiles (20 credits)
  • Textile Project 2: Individual Project (40 credits)
  • Practice in Context 2 (20 credits)

Entry to this course requires 80 UCAS tariff points.

T Level qualifications are accepted, a T Level PASS with a minimum of a grade A*-C (equates to 96 UCAS points).

Non-standard applicants will be required to produce evidence of their ability to study at the Higher Education level. Short-course and relevant work experience may be taken into account. Non-standard applicants will be interviewed with a portfolio of work and may be required to complete a piece of written work as part of their application. Claims for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) are welcomed by the College. Students should consult the admissions tutor if they wish to claim such recognition.

We also consider individual applicants who can demonstrate relevant learning, work/voluntary experience, using our Recognition of Prior Learning process.

Assessment tasks are linked to the learning outcomes for each module and are completed by the end of the module. Assessments generally take the form of course work in the form of specific project briefs appropriate to each module, which may include some of the following:

  • Research files
  • Sketchbooks, drawing and visual journals
  • Illustrated reports
  • Textile sampling
  • Finished products
  • Verbal and visual presentations
  • Exhibitions or portfolios

Formative assessment takes place throughout the course, during feedback at one-to-one tutorials and through peer review at group critiques. This feedback is aimed to support the learner’s development and does not contribute to a final grade.

Written summative assessment will be provided by the module tutor after the module has been completed. Verbal feedback may also be offered during tutorials to provide clarification.

The curriculum is enriched by external study visits, trips and visiting speakers. Students also have access to industry-led talks and activities via our industry links with the Bradford Textile Society, and local art networks.

Successful completion of this course means that you would be eligible to apply to study at degree level, and could join our successful Arts and Media programmes, within the Art School. You can expect to become part of a community of creative learners. Our students value the Bradford School of Art community and becoming part of a wider network of creatives.

Graduates from our HE textiles programmes continue on to further study – ultimately to Masters study and PGCE. They continue careers as practising textile artists, crafts practitioners, archivists, teachers and designers in greetings, textiles and related industries.

HE Tuition: £3,500.00 per academic year

Other Costs: You might need to invest in some art materials, depending on your previous experience.  This might be approximately £700 for equipment, art materials, sketchbooks, display materials, printing and textile materials for project work. £250 for trips and visit to exhibitions. £500 for materials for Final Collection. Optional: domestic sewing machine.

This is representative of the most common fees scenario, but actual fees can vary depending on a number of factors. Please contact us if you need more guidance.

Our Students Say

Mary Whitehouse
“The teachers have such a depth of knowledge and are practising textile artists themselves, this brings such a rich experience and makes it really special". Mary Whitehouse FDa Textiles Practice

If you have any questions or require any additional information, please contact [email protected]

Disclaimer: Our prospectus, college documents and website are simply here to offer a guide. We accept no liability for any inaccurate statements and are not responsible for any negative outcomes if you rely on an inaccurate statement. We reserve the right to withdraw any programmes or service at any time.

Bradford College Art,Degree,Design,Foundation,Foundation Degree,HTQ,Textiles
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