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Bradford College

Bradford College Celebrates Exceptional Level 3 Results Day

Bradford College is celebrating extraordinary student success as learners across the country receive their exam results today (15th August).

An impressive 1,468 students gained a Level 3 qualification this year at Bradford College. This includes diplomas, extended diplomas, NVQs, and BTECs, making Bradford College one of the largest Level 3 providers in the region.

In total, 22 courses achieved 100% pass and achievement rates. These programmes are studied by 322 students. The College’s Level 3 achievement rates are now 8% higher than three years ago and above national benchmarks.

Level 3 Diploma in Childcare students include Olivia Sparkes, who has a place confirmed at the University of Huddersfield to study Paediatric Nursing. Her classmate Leia Sparhan will be starting a job in Queensbury as a nursery worker and after-school-club coordinator.

Olivia Sparkes (left), Leia Sparhan (right)

Olivia said,

“I’m relieved about my results and pleased to be heading to Uni. I did get a job offer in a nursery but turned it down for university and plan to complete a Master’s degree.”

Top areas include Childcare and Education, Construction and the Built Environment, and Health and Social Care. The Bradford School of Art also celebrated 100% pass and achievement rates in the Extended Diploma in Performing and Production Arts, the Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production & Technology, and the BTEC National/Extended Diplomas in Creative Media Practice.

Student Panashe Mushaninga passed a Level 3 Access to HE Health & Social Care Award at Bradford College. The course achieved a 100% pass rate which is an impressive 28.6% above national benchmark. From September, Bradford College is also offering a one-year Access to University (Science) programme with places still available for anyone aged 18+.

Panashe Mushaninga

Sarah Applewhite, Vice Principal Quality, Teaching & Learning at Bradford College, said:

“Congratulations to all our exceptional students receiving their results today – whether they are leaving us to go into skilled employment or progressing to university – we are so proud of all of them. Once again, we have seen excellent levels of achievement and pass rates across our broad curriculum, and we look forward to welcoming our next Level 3 cohort after a record increase in applications this year.

“We’re also really proud of our first wave of T-Level students. This has been the first year of delivering T-Levels for Bradford College and our students have excelled in their first-year exams. We have seen positive progress across the board, with our retention rates well above the national average.”

Student Successes

Bradford College is now supporting many of its own learners to move on to higher education courses across the country, including to Bradford College degrees and higher-level courses.

Other impressive university destinations include medicine at Imperial College London, Biochemistry at the University of Liverpool, Law at Queen Mary (University of London), Pharmacy at Strathclyde University, and Biomedical Sciences at University of Bradford.   

Seth Roberts

Other impressive university destinations include medicine at Imperial College London, Biochemistry at the University of Liverpool, Law at Queen Mary (University of London), Pharmacy at Strathclyde University, and Biomedical Sciences at University of Bradford.   

In total, 33 BTEC students received triple distinction grades or above (equivalent to three A*s), with exceptional results for Applied Science. One hundred percent of Level 3 science and computing students (more than 200 students) are progressing to university, apprenticeships, or employment.

The College is now open to students seeking advice and guidance regarding their results and next steps for September. Many different training options and pathways lead to the same endpoint of employment, higher-level apprenticeships, or degree-level qualifications.

Clearing 2024

Students receiving their results today can visit the Bradford College Clearing and late application webpage for more details about how to apply.

You can use Clearing (the national UCAS degree course application system) if your results are different than expecting and you are re-evaluating your next steps. You can also use Clearing if you have accepted an offer but changed your mind about the course you want to do, don’t have any offers, or you’re applying for the first time. When you have your results, you can call the Bradford College Clearing Hotline on 01274 015357. The guidance team is available to assist with queries about HNC, HND, foundation degree, honours and postgraduate degrees, and all other Level 4+ pathways.

Subjects include the arts, construction, engineering, digital, education, teaching, health sciences, professional services, and social care.

Capital Projects

Nearly £32 million in capital funding has been achieved by Bradford College, meaning new students are set to benefit from cutting-edge facilities for years to come.

In the next academic year, Level 3 T Level students will gain access to new £3.5m vocational facilities in the David Hockney Building. These include a commercial and training barbering salon, nail bar, collaborative lecture spaces, TV studio, enhanced media editing and recording studios, and remodel of The Grove training restaurant.

Also opening in late September is the newly renovated Garden Mills building on Thornton Road. The £6.9m refurbishment programme has created a new higher education ‘STEM’ (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) facility that will house cutting-edge dental facilities, digital IT labs, an ophthalmic dispensing suite, and a real-life work environment with consulting and testing booths.

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