Staff Directory

Nigel Bates
Education & Teaching
Nigel Bates

Previous Experience
Nigel has industrial experience as a geophysicist before retraining as a teacher of geology and science. He has thirty years of teaching and leadership experience across a wide variety of schools including: CTC’s, academies, free and local authority schools throughout the Midlands and Bradford.
Teaching Responsibilities
Nigel plans and delivers lectures in Education and Science on the PGCE Secondary programme. Nigel also works as a link tutor on the PGCE Secondary programme and QTS assessment only route and as well as being a Masters dissertation tutor.
Professional Interests
All areas of teaching and learning with particular interest in curriculum and assessment.

Claire Benson
Education & Teaching
Claire Benson

Previous Experience
Newly recruited to the PSET team, Claire has been a teacher of English GCSE Language and A-Level Literature in Bradford College and has twenty years further education (FE) teaching experience.
Teaching Responsibilities
Claire is involved in the design, delivery and assessment of our Certificate in Education and Training, Postgraduate Diploma in Education and Training, BA Hons Education Studies and the Level 3 Award in Education and Training. Claire is also the module lead for PSET Teaching Learning and Assessment as well as being a personal and Link tutor for pre-service trainees.
Professional Interests
Claire is particularly interested in the embedding of English and maths in vocational teaching, including the promotion of the importance of this to students and institutions. She also has an interest in the development of formative and summative assessment strategies for 16-18 year olds in further education.

Julie Brown
Education & Teaching
Julie Brown

Previous Experience
Julie has worked at Bradford College for just over a year and has worked in education for over 20 years. After graduating from the University College of Ripon & York St. John’s Julie successfully completed a PGCE in primary. She secured her first teaching post in a Middle school in Bradford as English and drama specialist.
Later she worked as a literacy coordinator and early years specialist. She has extensive experience in provision of in-service training, working with teachers and Early Years professionals across Yorkshire.
Julie has also served as a Phase 1 Leader with responsibility for pupils from Nursery to Key Stage 1 and Literacy Manager and worked in partnership with other schools developing curriculum and pedagogy across the authority.
Teaching Responsibilities
Julie became a lecturer in Primary Language at Bradford College in September 2014. She works as a link-tutor supervising trainees on placement in schools and she provides support to mentors in Initial Teacher Training (ITT). She also delivers internal CPD to link tutors concerning effective observation and assessment of Early Reading and Phonics.
She teaches across a number of courses, including the foundation degree and a number of courses leading to QTS. She has a strong interest in supporting student learning and has presented posters and workshops at conferences (Bradford College, 2015. In September 2015 Julie took on the role of MTR (Managing and Teaching Role) and now liaises with External Examiners and is responsible for shaping the delivery of English across QTS, TLLP, BASMLE and QTS courses. She took an active role in preparing and presenting English modules 2019
More recently she has become involved in the English hub and contributes to shaping local pedagogy in primary schools across the district.
Professional Interests
Julie’s research interest centres mainly around Language and Literacy. Recent research has focused on determining how the teaching of early reading and specifically the impact of effective Systematic Synthetic Phonics (SSP) instruction has on pupil progress. She has tracked the impact of intervention and training on ITT students and staff in Partnerships schools on pupil progress. This has led to changes in the way trainee teacher students are monitored and identified as requiring early intervention to secure subject knowledge and pedagogical support in college.
Current MEd research is exploring how primary schools addressing the teaching of reading to negate the impact the pandemic has had on pupils’ reading progress.

Paul Cannell
Education & Teaching
Paul Cannell

Previous Experience
Paul recently joined the College having spent 10 years in Primary Education, leading core subjects and being the initial teacher training lead. In addition, he was the Lead Practitioner for Pupil Premium. Prior to this he was Head of Year in a 9-13 middle school, mainly teaching Science.
Teaching Responsibilities
Paul teaches on most of the Primary Teacher Training courses, mainly specialising in Science. In addition, he teaches on Educational Professional Studies Modules and is a link tutor visiting student teachers on their teaching practices. He is also a year lead on the BAQTS course.
Professional Interests
- Current developments within Primary education
- Researching how assessment is evolving in education
- Learning beyond the classroom

Ian Chadwick
Education & Teaching
Ian Chadwick

Previous Experience
Ian has 20 years of primary school experience as a teacher, in SENDCo, as an assistant/deputy head, headteacher and behaviour consultant. He also holds a National Professional Qualification for Headship being NPQH qualified.
Teaching Responsibilities
Ian is involved with teaching on most primary training courses, mainly on our Qualified Teacher Status (QTS), PGCE, and Teaching and Learning in the Primary Phase courses.
Professional Interests
- Developing inclusion policy
- Comparative teaching of citizenship and young people’s involvement in political participation across the UK and Europe

Liz Flintoft
Education & Teaching
Liz Flintoft

Previous Experience
Liz has worked in the field of education since 1998 initially as a primary class teacher predominantly in Key Stage Two. During this time she co-ordinated different subjects including Science, ICT and SEND.
Since 2006 Liz has worked in the field of teacher training and education at higher education level. This has included lecturing on many subjects including ICT/Computing, science, maths, education and professional studies, safeguarding and child protection. In 2018/19 Liz returned the primary classroom for 1 year an worked as a year 3 teacher.
Teaching Responsibilities
Liz is currently the programme lead for the Level 6 Teacher Apprenticeship. On postgraduate and undergraduate teaching degree she teaches and assesses primary science and computing to all levels. As well as this Liz is a CEOP Ambassador and has embedded accredited esafety into the teacher education department.
Professional Interests
Liz has an interest in Primary Science and embedding science capital into the lives of young people. She also has a strong interest in the use of technology to enhance teaching and learning and how the blended approach to teaching can remove barriers.

Andrew Hudson
Education & Teaching
Andrew Hudson

Previous Experience
Andrew has been a Senior Lecturer in Post-Secondary Teacher Education at Bradford since 2008, having previously worked at Blackburn College for ten years as a maths teacher, and in adult and community education before that.
Teaching Responsibilities
Andrew leads on in-service teacher training and post-secondary maths teaching. He also has substantial teaching involvement in a range of teacher training modules with a focus on theories of learning, professional practice and curriculum. A supervisor for Masters dissertations, he also mentors and assessor fellowship of the HEA, a professional designation for educators in Higher Education.
Professional Interests
A maths and numeracy specialist, Andrew has a long standing interest in situated numeracy practice and embedded approaches to maths teaching in the post-secondary sector.
Developing Curriculum is a particular focus, developing the teacher training curriculum to enable teachers to innovate in the teaching of their own curricula. A strong advocate for the importance of understanding the theoretical underpinnings to practice, Andrew works with trainees to bring theory to practice through active learning approaches.

Katya Kitchingman
Education & Teaching
Katya Kitchingman

Previous Experience
Following a career teaching English and Adult Literacy in Further and Community Education settings, Katya has been a senior lecturer and teacher educator since 2017. She now supports teachers to make a positive impact on the educational outcomes of their own learners and communities.
Teaching Responsibilities
Programme Lead for Post-Secondary Education and Training, Katya’s practice and research specialism is pedagogy and teacher education. As course leader for the Full-Time PSET cohort, Katya supports trainee teachers to become critically reflective practitioners, working closely with mentors across a range of subject specialisms. Katya teaches across a range of PSET modules and is module lead for Theories that Underpin Teaching and Learning, Teacher as Researcher and Subject Specialist Pedagogy as well as supervising Masters Dissertation students.
Professional Interests
Katya has a research interest in critical thinking and education for social justice. She marries these interests with a focus on critical, innovative and socially-situated pedagogy and inclusive curriculum design, preparing educators at all stages in their careers against an ever-shifting educational landscape. Katya writes for peer-reviewed and professional publications on a range of themes including grounded theory, critical thinking and inclusion.

Kerry Lewis
Head of School
Education & Teaching
Kerry Lewis

Previous Experience
Kerry’s previous experience includes Secondary Music teaching, general subject teacher within a pupil referral unit, primary music specialist, and more recently vice-principal within a primary school. Her teaching experience ranges between state schools and the independent sector within England and internationally.
Teaching Responsibilities
Kerry teaches on a range of primary education courses and education based degrees, subject areas include RE, PSHE, music and creativity in education. Responsibilities include foundation subject lead and a year leader on the BA (Hons) Primary Education with QTS.
Professional Interests
Her interest include:
- Current developments within music education
- Researching how the sustainable development goals can be embedded within a primary curriculum from a local, national and global perspective
- The importance and relevance of creativity within education
Vicky Lunniss
Education & Teaching
Vicky Lunniss
Previous Experience
Vicky has over 20 years experience as a Primary School teacher, with a background as a Primary School Senior Leader, including Assistant Headteacher and Headteacher.
She has also worked as a Primary Teaching and Learning Consultant leading across service children’s education on assessment and primary mathematics, including supporting schools in special measures.
Teaching Responsibilities
Vicky is the Programme Lead for our PGCE Primary with QTS as well as Primary Mathematics course. She teaches Education Professional Studies and Mathematics as well as working as a professional and personal tutor. Vicky also teaches Mathematics modules on the BA (Hons) with QTS course as well as the Leadership and Management module on the Master’s degree.
Professional Interests
Vicky is working with the National Centre of Excellence for the Teaching in Mathematics (NCETM) in developing the implementation of mastery mathematics and in conjunction with the West Yorkshire Maths Hub.

Lee Parsell
Education & Teaching
Lee Parsell

Previous Experience
Lee’s background includes 30+ years experience as a Secondary School Mathematics teacher. Additionally, Lee has worked as a Secondary School Senior Leader and as an Assistant Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher leading on teaching and learning.
In May 2019, Lee moved to Bradford College to lead the PGCE Mathematics element of the PGCE programme and became part of a team of lecturers delivering across the whole Secondary PGCE course. She plans and delivers the mathematics and numeracy elements of the course, researching and incorporating new directives into the programmes. Lee is working closely with the NCETM to include more mathematics mastery training in the programme. As well as this, she also leads and works as a tutor on our SKE course and supports a range of students on the 8 week through to the 28 week course.
Lee has worked in education for thirty years before taking this role. Firstly, as a classroom teacher, taking promotion to second in mathematics and head of mathematics and working as a Deputy Headteacher in two inner city Bradford schools for 12 years and 6 years respectively.
Teaching Responsibilities
Lee works as a Lead for the PGCE Secondary Mathematics with QTS and SKE programme Lead as well as teaching and delivering lectures on the PGCE secondary course.
Professional Interests
Lee’s interests lie in Secondary Maths and specifically the development of problem solving and Algebra. She also has an interest in supporting trainee teachers to develop an approach to teaching mathematics that allows students, in school to develop, mathematical fluency and confidence that brings with it a greater understanding and love for the subject of Mathematics.

Faye Pashby
Link Tutor
Education & Teaching
Faye Pashby

Previous Experience
Faye has 17 years teaching experience in primary schools across North and West Yorkshire. Alongside teaching commitments, Faye has also taken the role of senior leader, including Deputy Headteacher and Acting Headteacher, in a range of school contexts. Faye was a Specialist Leader in Education in mathematics and physical education, working across the North Star Teaching Alliance to drive school improvement and high-quality curriculum offers.
Teaching Responsibilities
Faye is a personal tutor on the Primary PGCE programme and also teaches educational professional studies. As part of the primary maths team, Faye teaches mathematics on the BA QTS, BA TLPP, Foundation degree and Supporting and Managing Learning in Education programmes. Across the primary programmes, Faye also teaches trainees in the teaching and learning of Physical Education. Faye is a link tutor for trainees in school and supports mentors in Initial Teacher Training (ITT).
Professional Interests
Faye is a Primary School Governor with responsibilities for curriculum, Pupil Premium and PE and Sport Premium funding. She is an advocate for developing PESSPA (PE, School Sport & Physical Activity), including the implementation of physically active learning within the primary setting. Leadership and implementation of Pupil Premium strategy is a key theme of interest.