Bradford College Library Services
We are here to help you find resources both physically and online to support you during your time at college. We can also help you with your study skills and referencing.
The College has two libraries which are:
- Hockney Library on the ground floor of the David Hockney building, this supports the subjects that are taught in the David Hockney Building, ATC and Lister Building.
- Trinity Green in the Success Centre on the ground floor of Trinity Green, this supports all the subjects taught at Trinity Green.
You can use these Libraries whenever the David Hockney and Trinity Green buildings are open.
There is also a small reference collection in the Lister study room, D4 supporting courses taught in that building. There are borrowable copies of the books in this collection in the Hockney Library.
Library staff are available to help you from 9am at both our Libraries and online during term. At Hockney Library and online staff are available to 6pm on Mondays and Wednesdays, and 8pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays and 4.30pm on Fridays, at Trinity Green they are available to 5.30pm Monday to Thursdays and 5.00pm on Fridays.
You can find our holiday opening times on Library Online
Library staff at these sites are here to help you with:
- print and e-books
- print journals and e-journals
- online databases
- other online resources
- Study Skills
- referencing and avoiding plagiarism
For latest information about the Library Service visit Library News.
Borrowing and returning books
You can find all our books, ebooks and other items in the Library using our online Library Catalogue.
You can borrow up to fifteen books at one time using our self-service kiosks. We have two of these in Hockney Library, and one in Trinity Green. Most books can be borrowed for periods of two weeks, though with our automatic renewal system, as long as no-one else requests your book it will be automatically renewed a week before it is due. This will happen up to twenty-five times or until your course ends, when you will have to return your book.
If you need to return your book we will let you know using your College email. As we can’t guarantee that these emails will always get through (for example due to an IT problem), we also recommend you check your account using the Library Catalogue.
When you need to return your books, you can use a book box in the reception area of the David Hockney or Lister buildings or the self-service machines in our Libraries.
If you can’t get into College to return your books please contact us on [email protected] before they are due back.
Study Space
The David Hockney and Trinity Green Libraries have a variety of places to study, including individual study tables, computer access, and group areas.
David Hockney Library also a large quiet study room and study booths that you can book from the Library enquiries desk.
Library Online
Use Library Online to find information, contact details and links to resources.
We have a large collection of e-books, electronic journals and specialist databases to support your studies, available from Library Online.
The pages are organised by subject so you can easily find the materials that you need.
Need help with your assignment?
Why not book a slot with one of our Academic Liaison Librarians? Every course will have one and you can find their details on Library Online.
Academic Liaison Librarians can help you find the book or article you need for your work, show you how to access our electronic resources and search them efficiently, and make you know how to reference correctly.
You can also find an Academic Liaison Librarian in the Hockney Quiet Study room during our opening times or in Lister room D4 Monday – Thursday afternoons 12.30pm – 2pm for drop in sessions.
You can also contact one of our Library and Academic Practice Coaches for help with structuring assignments, academic writing and tips on revisions and exams.
Contact us
If you need to contact the Library you can reach us using the following methods during our opening hours. If you email out of hours we will contact you as soon as possible. You can contact us by:
- [email protected]
- David Hockney, 01274 088 257
- Trinity Green, 01274 088 185
Library Services Customer Charter
We will work to ensure that all our customers can benefit from the Library’s collections, services and expertise, by improving access and creating a welcoming environment, both onsite and online.
You can expect:
- excellent customer service from a friendly and knowledgeable staff
- equality of access to our services, resources and facilities
- a quality learning environment, conducive to study and research
- relevant, current and high-quality printed and electronic resources to support your study and research
- a professional enquiry service to help you use the library effectively
- your comments and complaints to be dealt with promptly and in confidence
- your feedback and ideas to be used to develop and review our services
- the Library to work in partnership with academic and other support staff to develop your information, research and digital literacy skills
- an Inter-Library Loan service to supplement the Library’s holdings
We expect you to:
- make the most of the library resources and services
- give us feedback about the service so we can continually improve
- show consideration to other library users and staff
- return Library loans when requested on time
- take responsibility for items that you borrow or use in the library
- check your Bradford College email account regularly and respond to library communications
The Library is committed to providing high-quality customer service in partnership with our library users.
Related Pages
Staffed Opening Hours
David Hockney Library
- Monday : 9:00am to 6:00pm
- Tuesday : 9:00am to 8:00pm
- Wednesday : 9:00am to 6:00pm
- Thursday : 9:00am to 8:00pm
- Friday: 9:00am to 4:30pm
Trinity Green Library
- Monday to Thursday: 9:00am to 5:00pm
- Friday: 9:00am to 4:30pm
Online support
Librarians can provide help on Teams, Library Chat, and email:
- Monday : 9:00am to 6:00pm
- Tuesday : 9:00am to 8:00pm
- Wednesday : 9:00am to 6:00pm
- Thursday : 9:00am to 8:00pm
- Friday: 9:00am to 4:30pm