Exams, Timetabling and Results
Frequently Asked Questions
Your College Identification Card must be produced at every exam you attend. It is your responsibility to bring all the necessary stationery/equipment with you in order to sit your exam. This will include but is not limited to a black pen, pencil, rubber, ruler and a calculator.
You must be outside the exam room at least 20 minutes before the exam is due to start.
For GCSE English and Maths, please ensure you are at College by 8.45am so you can get to your exam room in plenty of time – this is due to the very high number of students we have all sitting the exam at the same time.
Once released, your exam results will be available to view on the Student Portal. You will be notified closer to the time about the release dates, times, and how you can access your results.
You can contact our Clearing Hotline on 01274 088099. After this date calls will be answered during normal office hours.
If you have any queries about your results you must speak with your tutor/department. Additionally, Careers Advisors will be on hand to help you with your next step in education, training or employment. Before & after results days, you can reach the team via [email protected]. They will be based in the new Careers hub near the Garden Café in the David Hockney Building and at our Trinity Green campus.
Certificates for your results will be available from December onwards, information regarding receiving your certificates will be made available closer to the date.