IT Support
While you study with us, it is important that you have access to all IT systems.
WiFi: Eduroam
You can connect to eduroam wifi when you’re at Bradford College and at other participating colleges and universities.
Use of eduroam at Bradford College is subject to the :
- Bradford College network acceptable use policy
- JANET eduroam Policy
- Visit
You can use Moodle to access course materials, hand in work, talk to your tutor and lots more.
It’s Bradford College’s virtual learning environment (VLE).
You can get to Moodle from your web browser on a computer or phone. There’s also an app for iPhones and Android devices.
You can use Moodle as soon as you activate your College IT account. It’s the same username and password you’ll use to log in to campus computers.
All students can use the library resources on Moodle and your tutor will tell you if they have put any online learning material on there.
Moodle help
There are support links on Moodle and a form you can use to get help.
If you can’t get onto Moodle or fill in the form, please email:
Make sure you include:
- your student ID number
- your full name
- details of the issue you’ve got, and any links that might help
You can also ask for help from the staff in the College library.
Related Pages
- Students
- Assistive Technology Service
- Careers Advice
- Clearing and Late Applications
- CV and Interview Advice
- Exams, Timetabling and Results
- Faith and Belief
- Higher Education Resources
- Induction Week
- IT Support
- Safeguarding Support
- Student Ambassadors
- Student Links
- Student Services
- Students' Union
- Support for Student Carers
- Swap Don't Drop
- Uniforms for Your Course
- Work Experience & Industry Placements