Uniforms for Your Course
Some courses at Bradford College require you to wear a uniform to prepare you for work.
Our vocational courses aim to offer real-world learning so you need to wear a uniform for:
- Catering
- Construction
- Creative Industries
- Health and Social Care
- Engineering and Motor Vehicle
- Travel and Tourism
Our uniforms range from outdoor clothing to chef’s whites and protective footwear.
They’re all are Bradford College branded and cost from about £5 to £40.
How to order
You can view uniforms at our Open Events and applicant events.
Once you have applied to your course, you can order your uniform from Arden Winch & Co Ltd.
Other uniforms can be purchased through GB Kits.
Email bc.accounts@ardenwinch.com to get an account so you can order online. You’ll need to provide the following details:
- Student name
- Course code
- Enrolment number
- Tutor name
You will then get a login for our supplier’s website, where you can view and buy all of the garments and items for your course.
Related Pages
- Students
- Assistive Technology Service
- Careers Advice
- Clearing and Late Applications
- CV and Interview Advice
- Exams, Timetabling and Results
- Faith and Belief
- Higher Education Resources
- Induction Week
- IT Support
- Safeguarding Support
- Student Ambassadors
- Student Links
- Students' Union
- Support for Student Carers
- Swap Don't Drop
- Uniforms for Your Course
- Work Experience & Industry Placements